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Beauty Tips


All hair textures require different products to keep the hair shiny and healthy. The trick is to discover the right products for your individual hair texture, and the the right amounts to use. Also learning how often your hair needs to be washed can make a dramatic difference in the overall health of your hair. Call DSB to set up a free consultation today!


All color treated hair requires regular treatment to keep the hair from drying out and breaking. Typically the amount of moisture needed in the hair goes by the texture and characteristics of individual hair types. Deep conditioning is a treatment that benefits all processed hair and should be done regularly to restore strength to the processed hair.  


Whether your hair is natual or processed, styling should be done using healthy products. If you flat iron your hair frequently, heat protectant is vital to keep your hair from becoming heat damaged. Remeber to use minimal oil based products in your hair to avoid frying your hair as you straiten. The more product build up you have in your hair, the stiffer the strands will be so use products sparringly. 


DSB has hosted many wedding parties and would love to give you the style of your dreams on your very special day! Wedding parties of 6+ require at least 4 week notice ahead of your wedding date to ensure we are fully staffed for the day. We offer discounted packages to 6+ persons for our Updo hair styles. Also, if desired, we can provide diamond stones to give your Updo a glamorous touch! If you would like diamond stones please make your request when you book your appointment. ~DSB~

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